Indigenous leaders and their communities have been the traditional custodians of their lands for centuries, assimilating a wealth of knowledge in governance, natural systems, and cultural heritage. As the world seeks to embrace sustainable development and nature-based ideas, indigenous voices must be part of the discussion.
How a Strong Indigenous Voice Can Solve Global Issues


Cynthia Ellis Topsey
Ambassador at large for the Garifuna Nation of Belize

Gaamang “Gaamaa” Gloria Simms
Spiritual Leader of Maroons of the Diaspora

Kalaan Nibonrix Kaiman
Kasike (Chief) Jamaican Hummingbird Taino People

Mama Akilah Jaramogi
Forester, Environmental Consultant, Social Entrepreneur and Cultural Activist. First Merikin Maroon Paramount Chief.

Ronalda “Kaikotekina” Pairman
Kasikeíani (Chieftainess) Jamaican Hummingbird Taino People