Thanks to all our Speakers, Sponsors, Partners and Attendees for a great event.

Island Voices @ COP28

Sharing Climate Change Messages from Islanders to the World

Island Representation at COP28

Island Innovation was the official Programme Partner for the Island of Hope’s stage, which took place live in Dubai between the 4th and 8th of December, 2023.

We hosted a 5-day action-packed programme that brought together key actors from Small Island States, Sub-National Island Jurisdictions, climate-vulnerable regions, donors, investors, and the private sector. This immersive event space served as a catalyst to accelerate climate adaptation and resilience through capacity building, problem-solving, and matchmaking, ultimately providing a dedicated space for islands at COP28.

Curated by Island Innovation, the event welcomed over 150 expert speakers who shared inspirational stories, transferable solutions, capacity-building strategies, and best practices. We invited all stakeholders from governments, NGOs, academia, businesses, media, and finance to join this free-to-attend conference.

Why should you register for
Island Voices @ COP29 next year?

Island Innovation will provide an interactive platform where islanders can stay updated, exchange knowledge and access the following content:

Daily Bulletin

COP28 talking points, events and major happenings summarized in a daily bulletin during the conference. We will also press attention to post COP28 communication and call to action.

Event Calendar

Event calendar of all the island events at COP28 to make sure the relevant stakeholders can attend and meet each other. Organizers can submit their events for the exposure and partner events will be highlighted.

Video Interviews

Video interviews with relevant island stakeholders to talk about the different aims of COP28, their predictions for the success of the conference and other details surrounding it.

Island of Hope in partnership with
Climate Action!

Island Innovation was the official Programme Partner for the Island of Hope’s stage, which took place live in Dubai between the 4th and 8th of December, 2023.

We hosted a 5-day action-packed programme that brought together key actors from Small Island States, Sub-National Island Jurisdictions, climate-vulnerable regions, donors, investors, and the private sector. This immersive event space served as a catalyst to accelerate climate adaptation and resilience through capacity building, problem-solving, and matchmaking, ultimately providing a dedicated space for islands at COP28.

Curated by Island Innovation, the event welcomed over 150 expert speakers who shared inspirational stories, transferable solutions, capacity-building strategies, and best practices. We invited all stakeholders from governments, NGOs, academia, businesses, media, and finance to join this free-to-attend conference.

Island of Hope Recordings

Meet our COP28 Speakers

President of the Republic of Palau

Head of Oceans and Natural Resources, The Commonwealth

Secretary-General, The Commonwealth

Director, Bridgetown Initiative & Special Advisor on Climate Resilience, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Barbados

UNFCCC Ambassador for Net Zero, and Chief Executive Officer

Cayman Islands Government Representative - United Kingdom

Cabinet Secretary of Net Zero, Scottish Government

Premier, Government of Bermuda

Member of Parliament & COP26 President, UK Government

President, Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)

Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Sustainable Development and Culture, Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Minister of Environment, Government of Mauritius

Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, University of the Highlands and Islands

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, & the Environment, Government of Palau

Director of Peace Boat US, UN Ocean Decade Programs

Minister for Environment, Natural Resources and Planning, Government of St Helena

Senior Climate Change & Development Expert, Jamaica

Carbon Neutral Islands Lead, Scottish Government

Minister of Sustainability, Innovation & the Environment, Government of Anguilla

Director, Islands & Small States Institute, University of Malta

Ambassador of the Republic of Malta And Permanent Representative of Malta to IRENA Abu Dhabi

Deputy, St Brelade in the States Assembly of Jersey, and Minister for the Environment in the Council, Government Of Jersey

Director, Department: Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Government of the Republic of Maldives

Minister for Climate Resilience, the Environment & Renewable Energy, Government of Grenada

Founder and Director, Peace Boat

Daily Bulletins

Caribbean Climate Justice Future Leaders Program
COP28 Delegation

Island Innovation offered a unique, fully-funded opportunity for 10 participants from the Caribbean Climate Leadership Justice Academy to attend COP28 in Dubai, acting as envoys for their island communities. This program provided a valuable opportunity to deepen their understanding of Climate Justice, engage with global policymakers, and champion climate action at the UNFCCC COP28.

Frequently Asked Questions

Island Innovation’s mission is to drive sustainable change across islands and rural areas around the world. The devastating consequences of climate change due to rising greenhouse gas emissions are deeply concerning to us, as they have particularly severe consequences for islands. We are committed to helping our audience stay informed about this critical issue and doing everything in our power to help tackle the climate crisis!

COP28 is a crucial international summit that has the potential to turn the tide on global warming and avert the worst effects of climate change. We are planning to use this important opportunity by combining our knowledge of resilient, sustainable islands, with our proven ability to successfully collaborate with island communities around the world, to amplify the voices and knowledge of islanders to a global audience.

Island Voices @ COP28 is totally free! If you're in Dubai in-person you should make sure to sign up here in order to attend the Island of Hope event and meet the Island Innovation team.

All are welcome to participate in the island space – feel free to invite friends and colleagues. Participants can take part in every session, or simply choose the sessions most relevant to them, and are all encouraged to join the social media conversation.

The island voices will be broadcast LIVE, taking place over multiple days in various time zones. Ideally, we want guests to join live as there will be opportunities to ask questions and interact with fellow attendees. However, all sessions (excluding the networking sessions) will be recorded and made available online a few weeks after the event.
Island Innovation is a global network that connects island stakeholders through digital communication and events. Our platform helps drive sustainable change across island and rural communities by sharing innovative projects and best practices. Island Innovation is a social enterprise that works with private sector companies, governments, universities, NGOs and utilities to connect them with the island stakeholders vital to the success of their sustainability projects.

We have limited opportunities for sponsors of specific sessions or the event as a whole. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, contact us here, and we will be in touch.

Thanks for your support! If you want to get involved with Island Innovation, take a look at our Ambassador and Fellowship Programs.

We always welcome ideas! Please get in touch.
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